Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Overheard at the BGCT...


1. "I just got this in my spam folder, 'John Edwards just admits to fathering Clay Aiken's baby!' " Debbie Puett.

2. "Stephanie, I have been trying to find a picture to represent 'True Love Waits' for the Power Point slide, but we can't find any archived. Can I ... ya know ... take a picture of you with your True Love Waits ring. You could be posing, looking at your ring. Maybe I could get a picture of you or Doug signing a comittment card." (Yes, I have one from back in the day. And yes, I'm the office virgin.*) Again, Debbie Puett.

Both were good chuckles.

*And not ashamed to say so!


elise said...

that just made me giggle. thank you. :) ps-i like the new blog pic

April Marie said...

haha! YES! I would love to see a picture of you and Doug signing commitment cards with big grins on your face!
Good post. Love you!